The LELLE2 project "Let's learn how to learn!" - Learning skills development for secondary school students, strategic partnership was launched on September 1, 2018 and the scheduled end date is December 31, 2020.
Learning to learn is a key competence for everyday life. Learning is taught by effective learning techniques by developing thinking skills. In this project, developing methodological tools, sharing best practices, preparing teachers, developing learning skills for high school students in order to be successful in their higher education or at work.
Lead partner: Pannon University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Hungary
The first transnational project meeting took place in Veszprém on 8 and 9 October 2018 at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Pannonia.
Research and collection of methodological tools and good practices took place in November 2018.
Every month, partners at Skype Conference discuss the organizational, administrative, and methodological tasks of the project.
prof. Máthé Imola- Angella
project coordinator